Royal College of Physicians publish 5th Edition of Clinical Guidelines for Stroke
The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) published updated Clinical Guidelines for Stroke this week. These guidelines, prepared by the Intercollegiate...
The Royal College of Physicians (RCP) published updated Clinical Guidelines for Stroke this week. These guidelines, prepared by the Intercollegiate...
Headway are sending out a call to all you brainy people at ABIRA!! Do you want to join a focus group to help develop a new board game - designed by...
On Tuesday the 04th of May, the FAST INdICATE research team celebrated reaching its final 288 patient target with the local Norfolk teams and...
Following the success of the pilot held in March 2015, the Brain Injury Technologies Think (BITT) tank on Technologies for Independent Living was...
Clinical Efficacy of FunctionAl STrength TraINing for upper limb motor recovery early after stroke: neural CorrelATEs and prognostic indicators ...
Speech therapy apps, on tablets such as the iPad, have potential to offer effective therapy for people with acquired speech issues (aphasia) after...
Dr Nicola Hancock, of the University of East Anglia, has been working with Design Council to continue her work on a new device that could help...
ABIRA member Dr Niamh Kennedy (Lecturer in rehabilitation Neuroscience in UEA) has won a place on the workshop “Neuropsychological Rehabilitation...